At the 2024 Main Street Now Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, we announced our 2024 Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA) winners: NewTown Macon (Macon, Georgia), Madison Main Street (Madison, Indiana), and Monroeville Main Street (Monroeville, Alabama). I spoke to the executive directors of each program to learn how they celebrated this exciting achievement and the impact that the Great American Main Street Award has had on their work and their communities.
What was one of your favorite reactions to the Great American Main Street Award announcement? Did you receive any special shout-outs or congratulations?
Emily Hopkins, NewTown Macon: I was actually in the car with the chair of our Main Street board when I got the call from Main Street America telling us we won. I remember seeing the number pop up on the screen and saying to Trish: “I think this might be about GAMSA…” When they told us we won, we both started screaming with delight. I’ll always share that moment with her.
It was tough, but we kept the award a secret from most of board members and major donors. During the award ceremony, I sat beside Karen Lambert, President & CEO of the Peyton Anderson Foundation. Karen’s mother founded NewTown in 1996 and she carries on her spirit and passion for downtown Macon in her role at Peyton Anderson Foundation. Seeing her beam with pride on stage when she accepted the award is something I’ll never forget, along with all the smiles, hugs, and happy tears that were shared by all Maconites who attended the ceremony.
Austin Sims, Madison Main Street: My favorite reaction to receiving GAMSA was the honest reactions by my board members. I was told not to tell anyone other than a few board members, and I took that to heart! Out of our group of 15 who attended, only five of us knew that Madison had received this recognition.
Anne Marie Deas Bryan, Monroeville Main Street: To say our community partners were a little excited would be an understatement. We were so proud to be able to have so many people at Main Street Now to celebrate with us. Our new partnership hashtag is #CollaborationWins because this is a win for all of Monroeville. Regions Bank, a Main Street Alabama investor, Main Street Now 2024 sponsor, and now, a Monroeville Main Street sponsor, came to visit our community and wrote a wonderful story about us in April. They immediately updated their story when we won the GAMSA, and it has been picked up by nine different publications, including CSR Wire and MENAFN. The calls with congratulations and questions about Main Street keep coming in!